Kings of Men: Changing the World Through Powerful Art


Recently, John and I took a trip to the UK with our daughter's family. I'm on the airplane, enjoying my economical, comfort-class wide seat on Virgin Air (highly recommended for long distances!). I rarely watch movies, but I browse through the selection of new releases, looking for something historical or inspiring. "Sound of Freedom" catches my eye. It's a movie I've been wanting to see since its release but missed in theaters. I want to take advantage of this opportunity, so I commit to watching it after dinner.

Discovering "Sound of Freedom"

Category King - Oil Painting by artist Elli Milan

"Sound of Freedom" is a true story movie about the life of Tim Ballard, a US government agent who courageously orchestrates an elaborate rescue operation of children being trafficked and sexually exploited in Colombia, with Jim Caviezel playing the lead role as Tim Ballard.

After dinner, John falls asleep for the night, and Dimitra and Jake take turns holding Zion, also trying to sleep. I start the movie and am deeply engrossed the entire time.

The film masterfully uses innuendo, providing just enough detail and footage of the trauma to make its poignant point without egregiously traumatizing the viewer. I am absolutely struck by Tim Ballard's selfless, heroic courage. He is utterly committed to the cause of rescuing these children and, against all odds, remains unwavering. I watch, completely inspired.

I hold it together until the end, but I am wet with tears as the final credits roll. As I sit silently sobbing, I realize that at this very moment, millions of children – yes, MILLIONS- are suffering in some demonic nightmare.

I'm completely undone. Just then, Dimitra turned around and asked me if I could hold Zion for a little while so she could rest. I have my precious grandson on my chest and feel his lovely, beautiful spirit relax and drift into sleep. I pray that God will forever keep him and protect him from such a hellish fate.

As I held Zion and continued to sob, I thought, what am I doing with my life? Being an artist feels trivial and pointless. I need to get off this plane and go to Colombia, Cambodia, or Cameroon to rescue children! How can I continue living comfortably, enjoying ice cream, or celebrating Christmas, knowing that children are tortured by these sick men in every corner of the earth? I must DO something!

A Call to Action

Then I quickly realize that I'm 5 feet 3 inches tall, don't speak Spanish, am 50 years old, and realistically cannot take on the militia of muscular, vile men who guard these networks. I don't even know how to shoot a gun! I cried out to God, "What can I do!? I have to DO something. I can't just sit here and wait for someone else to step up. God, rise up! Intervene. Save these children. Smite these wicked people. All of them!"

Suddenly, it becomes clear. In an instant, all the fragmented pieces come together, forming a cohesive plan of action that downloads into my mind.

The Vision of Kings

Warrior King - Oil Painting by artist Elli Milan

A year and a half ago, when I was in Greece, I felt like God inspired me and gave me a vision to paint kings. I envisioned kings of men in my mind, glowing with fire, surrounded by light, and wearing military-type clothes. I painted a couple of them but didn't understand why, so I stopped. Now, I could see that God wanted to release something through this art.

Without good kings, evil will prevail.

It is men who have built the sex trafficking industry. It is men who have groomed the female groomers. It is predominantly men who pay to enslave these children. It is the vile and wretched men who commit the most horrific acts on these innocents.

It is men, with their brute strength, who hold them captive and build fortresses around their evil kingdoms. It will require real men, kingly men, to topple these demonic structures. Kings who are protectors. Kings with integrity and valor. Kings of light and fire with blazing selfless love. The Bravehearts, the Gladiators, and the Robin Hoods must rise and fulfill their destiny to rid the world of such hell.

We can no longer tolerate this. As mothers, we must raise strong men. As fathers, we must be strong men. We must stop vilifying men; true men are not toxic in their masculinity. The only thing that stands between good and evil is strong, fearless men.

Changing the World Through Art

I realized that I must complete my paintings of the kings. Before God does anything on this earth, it is first sung, written, sculpted, or painted.

That movie changed me forever. I want my art to make a real impact and change the world. I want my paintings to shift culture, to wield magic, and be anointed for activation. I want my art to drive a cause, rebuild foundations, and tear down the dark structures. I envision my art as a bright light in a dark world, bringing hope to the hopeless and setting the captives free.

Share your story in the comments below!


  • Shana Kavaloff

    Hi Elli,
    I have also seen that movie.I was very moved as well even before then. I became a black belt in Tae Kwon do ( the journey started because my son convinced me to participate) but I felt God telling me that I was going to teach women trauma recovery and self defense. But much more than that.I had a vision during Covid and had to paint it and was terrified! Since I hadn’t painted since high school. But I felt God urging me to do prophetic art to have a message of hope and healing. I painted a guy walking out of a prison because the shackles fell off, with the cross in the distance. It’s called"Set Free". The response was more than I had hoped for because some people had been set free from addictions, etc. And that gave my endeavor purpose.
    Elli Milan Art replied:
    The work you are doing is so important! way to to go!!

  • Shana Kavaloff

    Hi Elli,
    I have also seen that movie.I was very moved as well even before then. I became a black belt in Tae Kwon do ( the journey started because my son convinced me to participate) but I felt God telling me that I was going to teach women trauma recovery and self defense. But much more than that.I had a vision during Covid and had to paint it and was terrified! Since I hadn’t painted since high school. But I felt God urging me to do prophetic art to have a message of hope and healing. I painted a guy walking out of a prison because the shackles fell off, with the cross in the distance. It’s called"Set Free". The response was more than I had hoped for because some people had been set free from addictions, etc. And that gave my endeavor purpose.

  • Tara

    I had the same feeling watching the movie and I have been painting angels ever since. I have never painted angels before or even given it a thought until after that heart wrenching movie. It gives me a since of peace and I hope when I’m done with my collection it gives others peace too.

    Elli Milan Art replied:
    yes!! we need angels AND kings! Its funny you mention it, because around the same time I started painting an angel series as well and stopped after only a few. I interrupted myself with the Song of Songs series. I should pick it back up again.

  • Bianca Lever

    Yes, I can absolutely relate to that passionate feeling of wanting to contribute to a cause that is close to your heart like childrens trafficking. You want to help!!! And you will find a way, through your art. I have the same feeling for wildlife conservation. There is so much we can do and prevent to help our wildlife. I started to develop the intense need to do something after I travelled to Kenya, went on safari and visited an elephant orphanage in Nairobi run by Sheldrick Foundation. Soon after I returned to Italy the idea grew on me to create a large collection of wildlife paintings with the aim of creating more awareness for the beauty of our planets wildlife and the need for conservation and to raise funds for wildlife foundations through the sales of my paintings. It feels so good to make a difference and actually dó something to help. To be able to make a change, however small or big, through our art. Way to go Elli!!! 🤗😘
    Elli Milan Art replied:
    yes! Bianca. I have seen your animals and they are powerful. When I look at them, I see real souls!

  • Karye ana

    This movie was impactful – and there is much work to be done. But please remember always, in our country and others, that more children will be se*ually abused by those in or near their lives. Their fathers, stepfathers, uncles, pastors, coaches and family friends are statistically more likely to sexually abuse them than an unknown scary cabal of anonymous faces. Most of these will abuse an average of 160 children while actively abusing. I also point out males as they make up 90% of abusers.
    Elli Milan Art replied:
    It’s awful. We will see things change in our lifetime! The future is now!

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